
Thank you to Radio  90.2FM and Cafe Nostro for collaborating in the Beachdancer Hour on behalf of the charities Cancer Care Javea and European Kids Association.1891010_753551477990089_2044506488_n

We all danced to the music supplied by Spectrum Radio’s on-site DJ John Migan down at Arenal Beach on Saturday 15th of February 2014 from just after noon up until about 3 pm which is a long time for Beachdancer HOUR, but so much fun.

I failed to keep up with the body-poppers, but did manage some of the Zumba instructors moves before going back to my own improvisation.

I was informed that the town Mayor and the local newspaper were there, but I was too busy dancing to notice.

The cafe was packed and the area outside pumping with music and bodies dancing in the midday sun next to the calm Mediterranean Sea.

Three hours dancing at high tempo virtually non-stop is dangerous for a man of my age and at the end of the event I was having difficulty forming coherent sentences.

One of the charities wants to repeat the event in May, which should give me time to recover.

(I may have to insist on the availability of a resusitation team)



Gracias a Radio Spectrum (  90.2FM) y Cafe Nostro por su collaboracion en el BeachDancing evento para las instituciones beneficas Cancer Care Javea y European Kids Association.

Todo el mundo bailo con la musica suministrada en directo por el deejay John Migan de Spectrum Radio en la playa del Arenal bajo el sol al lado del mar mediterraneo.

Tres horas bailando rapidamente es un reto por un hombre de mi edad y al final tuve dificultad en hablar con sentido (pues nada nuevo para mi.)

Una de las instituciones beneficas quiere repitirlo en Mayo que me da suficiente tiempo para recuperarme (espero).

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